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Got a question about the Fairy Vial group? Please read through here to see if you find your answer! If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact an FV Staff in the discord ^^

Think you have a question that would be good listed here? Feel free to also contact a staff and let them know

  • Would a bridal vial still be considered a bridal if they got married?
    They would be considered a Bridal Vial still! They would have attained the title however as Wife/Spouse/Husband! This title is very sacred among Bridal Vials as they cherish and nurture love into its ultimate form -- soulmates!
  • Do Fairy Vials have "family" or some kind of life mentor, or are they created with all of the basic knowledge they will need for their life?"
    Fairy vials are created with varied knowledge about life! It seems to depend on how much time the FairyMaker spent on the vial , what/who he envisioned for a personality, and sadly, whether or not the FairyMaker just forgot to craft important knowledge into the Fairy Vial 8D He is a klutz and is unreliable. Some fairy vials might awaken without the knowledge of even being a fairy vial for example. The custom of “families” is a human tradition that became popular among Fairy Vials after the year 600, when Fairy Vial Realms and communities became established. Most Fairy Vials previously were awakened by the FairyMaker or by human families that adopted the vial. When the Fairy Vials began to collect in communities, those from human realms brought back the custom of families! So to answer shortly, not all Vials have a family or mentor. It depends on who they encounter during or after awakening!
  • Whereas Fairy Vials seem to have a more limited clothing line, what kind of styles are accepted in the community and what types should not be used?"
    Fairy Vials are actually quite varied in clothing. Be sure to check out our adopts for clothing examples. Transparent and flowing fabrics are loved. I would avoid very casual clothing / futuristic clothing.
  • Do Fairy Vials (or people in Asteria) create churches? If so, do they make one dedicated to the Fairy Maker or free to worship a different being or certain way of living?"
    Humans in Asteria are similar to those of earth, so yes, churches would exist in Human Realms. In Fairy Realms, the culture is different. Rather than worshipping figures, you could say that their religion (if any) is a way of living, a culture. Because of their connection with their fillers, Fairy Vials respect Asteria and beyond - the forests , lakes, oceans, space, stars, etc. They seek an understanding through intellectual discussion rather than forced conversion, which would be a more Hunter-like practice. The Fairymaker isn’t worshipped….or revered to be honest haha. The fairy vials are more likely to respect Mimosa as she keeps the peace in Fairy Realms, the same way that we respect Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King jr, or Nelson Mandela for the impact they made in furthering peace and unity. Fairy Vials are unlikely to offer blind allegiance to an entity that hasn’t impacted their lives (aka, religion, religious texts, and religious figures existed long before Fairy Vials did!).
  • Could a vial transform/upgrade with a new filler/liquid or after certain events?
    Yes. Please read above!
  • If a fairy vial starts with one filler and gains a secondary one, does that affect things in canon, as in can more be put into a vial after their initial awakening?"
    Yes! Fairy Vials can gain fillers as they grow and develop. They can change their magic attributes based on their fillers, so gaining another filler can add to their repertoire of magical talent! In the same regard, they can lose fillers that become “incompatible” with each other.
  • Is there a such thing as baby vial? If so, what would be the guideline for a vial to be considered a baby vial?"
    You might have to explain more! Vials can be born as babies or as children / adults of any age physically and mentally. Their appearance stops growing at an age that suits them (whenever they reach their peak), however their mental age will continue developing with time.
  • Is there possibility for a vial to be created from another vial (ex. created from two vials and they become the parents)?
    At this time, it has not been attempted in history. However, theoretically, the Fairy Maker could take parts of each parents’ vial to form a new vial. It would however likely be a painful process and again, losing parts of the vial can result in loss of something important, such as the memory of their lover . . .
  • How much sleep do fairy vials require, if at all?"
    About the same amount as humans! An average of 7 hours a day. Their circadian rhythms follow a 24 hour day. That said, a Fairy Vial’s fillers can affect their sleeping patterns. Those filled with nocturnal animals may be more active during the night and take naps during the day.
  • What happens if a fairy vial does not get enough sleep? Do they just c o l l a p s e or can they die of sleep deprivation like humans?
    Fairy Vials must get 4-8 hours of sleep on average, similar to humans. However, if put through strenuous circumstances , they can survive longer without sleep than regular humans due to their magic-enhanced bodies. They will need to take a longer time to recover however.
  • How important is it to a fairy vial to keep their vial safe/protected?
    Very. The Vial is an essential organ, similar to heart or brain. If the vial is injured, it results in pain for the fairy vial. If the vial is shattered, it results in irreversible “death.”
  • If a fairy vial has multiple vials and one is shattered, does the fairy vial still die?"
    Shattering one vial results in permanent loss of something very important. It can be the loss of color vision or the loss of their most important memory for example. If a specific filler is lost, the powers based on those fillers will be lost.
  • If a shattered Fairy Vial’s fillers and contents were to be stored and placed onto a new unawakened vial could they possibly be “reborn” in a sense? Maybe not as who they were but as a fraction of who they were originally?
    That’s a possibility! It’s not certain, but the general dogma that is accepted in the Fairy Vial community is that the fillers influence the Fairy Vial and the Fairy Vial in turn influences the fillers. As a result, that connection is never truly severed even if a Fairy Vial shatters.
  • If a fairy vial’s unawakened form is an interactable object (such as a music box or a book), can it still be used like said object despite being a fillable glass? (so if its a music box, could it still play music)."
    Yes! It can X)
  • As the traits are sort of general, would body mods like a mono-eye (or tootheye even) be a possibility?"
    Probably not!
  • Is there any other way to die for FVs other than getting their vial shattered? Can FVs catch diseases and get poisoned? Can they die of starvation and dehydration, or do their body just collapse and remain unconscious until they can wake up? What about sleep deprivation?"
    Fairy Vials die directly by shattering their vial, BUT things like disease, starvation, and sleep deprivation can all make the vial weaker, even to the point where it can shatter by just wind.
  • Would the mermaid tail also have the option to only partially be a vial? Such as only the fin(s), body, top/bottom part or even decorative, like a fish's body marks being the vials, or one or multiples of a "glass window"?"
    Yes that is allowed!
  • Does the filler that a Fairy Vial have can cause the same damage/damage similar to what it causes in other living creatures in it’s own body?
    If a Fairy Vial is filled with poison, for example, it can mildly affect the Fairy Vial, but it will not kill them.
  • The filler (ex. If the flower inside it is poisonous) of a Fairy Vial can cause some physical damage to them if they do not have the knowledge to deal with them (considering that they can keep the same filler from when they were first awakened)?
    It may cause some chronic damage , but it will not kill the Fairy Vial.
  • About “poisonous” flowers for humans being used as filler, how does this affect a Fairy Vial?"
    Answered above!
  • Are the vials required to be circular shaped? Or can they be other shaped, like rectangular etc? And would that change the rarity?"
    Vials can be any shape! The only time a vial’s shape changes rarity is if it floats or if it is a non-human appendage (aka, wings, tail, etc).
  • Can I get a MYO?
    Anyone part of the discord is allowed one free MYO! You are allowed to have one floral element, water (or no water) as a part of your Fairy Vial! For the free MYO, your vial may be any part of the body or an accessory (which is not attached to the body of the fairy vial). Please note that the free myo is based on being a discord member! If you leave the discord, the MYO is no longer an official fairy vial. However, you can keep the design, and if you ever rejoin the server in the future, you can make your FV MYO official again! If you want something more than just the free MYO, you can purchase FV traits at any time and create a paid MYO! Paid MYOs are official at all times and are not dedicated to whether you are a discord server member or not. We occasionally open a Fairy Vial MYO discount shop, for buying traits at a discounted price!
  • How do I start my MYO?
    Feel free to start your MYO at any time! It is recommended that you work on the concept first and then when finished, contact the FV Staff with your 1. filler, 2. liquid, 3. vial shape. To make your vial official, you will have to upload your MYO to the Fairy Vial Deviantart group if you have one! Please be sure to include the filler, liquid, and appendage with rarities ! In order to get a MYO, you must complete this quiz: Once you complete the quiz, inform a staff member by posting in lore_questions.
  • Can I add more fillers, liquids, or appendages my Fairy Vial? (ie upgrade your fairy vial)"
    Yes, you may! Traits can be purchased at any time at full price or from the MYO Shop at a discounted price. Traits can also be earned as prizes from Fairy Vial events!
  • If someone purchases an adopt, can they make changes to the design (such as hair)?"
    It depends! If the hair is related to the fillers, limited changes can be made. If the hair is unrelated to the fillers / fairy vial traits, it should be fine to change color/hairstyle. Re-styling the hair is usually okay, but if you are unsure, feel free to ask Vi!
  • If I purchase an adopt, can I convert it to another species?"
    Fairy Vial T.O.S: Section "Rights of the Buyer" states: If the buyer would like to use the character design for another species, it must be discussed and agreed upon by ViPOP and the owner of the other species. An extra price may incur. The other species does not have the right to use the design commercially without explicit permission from ViPOP and a commercial fee. The original commercial right/copyright of the design falls under Fairy Vials as it was created as such.
  • If I have purchased a non-FV adopt, can I make it into a Fairy Vial?"
    Yes you can! Just be sure to ask the artist (and the species owner, if another species' adopt) for permission first!
  • If I own a Fairy Vial, can I make an AU version?"
    You can! In terms of Fairy Vial adopts, you can make an AU, but any AU's cannot be sold seperate from the original Fairy Vial adopt! The Fairy Vial also still follows Fairy Vial's trade/resell rules and TOS.
  • Would it make sense for a fairy vial who’s studying to become a maestro to put great importance on protecting one’s vial/having a protection spell related to keeping the vial safe?
    Maestros are similar to soldiers. They have mastered spell creation and are very skilled in combat. While protecting their vial is important, they are the frontlines and need to protect those without combat abilities, such as oracles. The general mindset would be to wipe out the enemy before they can even pose a danger to their vials. That said, protection spells are common for any Fairy Vial to have!
  • Follow up to potions - is there a special process that FVs have to go through to be able to make potions, or are we able to write that into their backstory?"
    You can write it in the backstory and then check it with me. They would have to learn how to make those potions through a mentor or book teachings. Also, many ingredients are difficult to find, so they would need to stick to either very simple potions with simple magic or have the resources to obtain those rare ingredients.
  • Are there magical artifacts? Items with tremendous magical properties?
    Yes there are! They’re difficult to find and obtain however. Artifacts can be used to maintain floating islands - similar to the artifacts used for the Bridal Islands. They can also be used to strengthen magical barriers like those bordering Fairy Realms!
  • How to know what kind of magical affinity a Fairy Vial could have considered the flower that fills it? And what would be the limit for that?
    Magical affinities would be nature-based. Ability to manipulate or speak to nature.
  • How does the magical property of a Fairy Vial work? How do we know what their magical property is?
    Magical abilities are determined by their filler and liquids.
  • Are all dragons evil/or inherently dangerous to Fairy Vials?
    No! Dragons are not inherently evil even in Asteria. However the majority of dragon species feed on strong sources of aura. These can include crystal cores or Fairy Vials themselves. Dragons are the top predator , akin to the great white shark of the ocean. They eat / consume the food tiers below them. Magical Barriers work by protecting against certain types or levels of magic. Because of this, the barrier will prevent all dragons from entering, even the ones who are safe for Fairy Vials (similar to whale sharks of the sea)! The only way to bring a dragon into a Fairy Realm is if you smuggle them as an egg.
  • Can dragons exist inside a realm that’s protected by oracles?
    It can! But the dragon must be of a certain species. Nako and I are developing this species of dragon. If you have a dragon pet you would like, please participate in our Sky Palace Hunter Event and you might come home with a dragon’s egg !
  • Is it possible to have a dragon as a pet/companion for a FV? (Is it possible to neuter its powers/capability of destruction/change diet of cores)
    It will be after the Hunter Event of the Sky Palace. You can come home with an egg that will hatch to resemble the dragon companion you want or currently have in mind!
  • Are there any realms that are exclusively snowy?
    Certainly! There are equivalents to the north and south poles of Earth in Asteria, and Fairy Vials have their realms there as well! They are bordered however by Hunter Realms and ice-water dragons , so beware of what lurks beneath the currents.
  • Are there any live-able places in the ocean (e.g. for mermaids) other than Aquariia Major and Oceana Minor?
    Aquariia Major is suitable to live on the bordering waters but not near the center as the waters are very turbulent on the surface. Even deep below however, the waters have calmer currents. It’s just that if you want to travel to the surface, it will be a difficult journey. There are other seas and oceans which have calmer waters throughout and are livable.
  • Where can we post stream links? / Can we link streams?
    Stream links should be posted in #art_and_inspo, unless if the art being streamed includes Fairy Vials, in which case they can be posted in #vial_art !
  • What is a Phior?
    Phiors are nature spirits who live within flowers 🌸 They can reside within gardens or underwater plants. They can become familiars of other characters and live within any flowers the character has! Phiors are a humanoid/anthro species by ViPOP. It is a simple species with no specific traits that I enjoy doing in my free time. You can use a Phior however you wish (without following the lore) as long as you follow the Terms of Service:
  • How can I obtain a Phior?
    Phiors will be available as adopts at random and very rarely, as MYO tickets. Usually ViPOP will give a heads up on twitter or discord. We have a Phior Resell/Trade journal as well called Phior Boutique !
  • Can I make a Phior?
    We do have a way! Very rarely, I might open MYO slots (up to 3). But our Blossom GDs get MYO tickets that they can resell, trade, or gift. Please look out for these tickets in the resell/trade or MYO journal!
  • Sure! Any purchased Phior can be converted into a Natural Floral Fairy Vial provided you submit a proper reference to ViPOP. (ie, clothes and a vial with a floral filler +/- water)! Uncommon, Exotic, or Dreamy traits will have to be purchased via the MYO Shop. Remember to keep all forms of the design together when ownership changes!
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