★・・・・・・B I O L O G Y・・・・・・★
Birth and beyond
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✦ G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ✦
♥ Life Cycle Stages: Unawakened --> Awakened. Alternate states include Sealed, Corrupted, and Fairy Dust (death).
♥ Lifespan: Immortal unless all vials are shattered
♥ Size: generally the size of human children/adults
♥ Rarities: The rarity of a Fairy Vial is the highest rarity among their traits.
Natural - humanoid shape, elf ears, flora and fauna fillers
Unnatural - animal appendages, human-processed fillers
Exotic - mythical appendages, fillers derived from the natural environment / natural phenomena
Dreamy - appendages that are unheard of, fillers that are not of this world
✦ C R E A T I O N & A W A K E N I N G ✦
♥ All Fairy Vials are created by the Fairymaker. He crafts glass into various shapes of glass vials such as vases or crystal music boxes.
♥ Fairy Vials remain in an unawakened state as a glass vial. In this state, a Fairy Vial's subconscious can remain asleep or in a drowsy state with cloudy awareness of the outside world. Sometimes, they can hear voices of those around them.
♥ As the Fairymaker crafts glass into vials, he tells them of Asterian history and stories so the Fairy Vial awakens with knowledge of the world. However, sometimes he forgets to educate them in detail . . .
♥ Fairy Vials awaken when their vial is filled with something their subconscious reacts to. This means that sometimes a vial will take a while to awaken if not filled with the contents the vial desires!
♥The content which fills the vial might change in property. For example, if the vial is filled with stars, they might turn into toy stars or a painting of a rainbow might become an actual rainbow when the Fairy Vial awakens! This means that an unawakened vial does not necessarily need to be filled with the exact filler to trigger an awakening!
♥Most Fairy Vials awaken in the company of others, such as someone who requested the Fairymaker to create a vial for them. For example, the Bridal Vials often request the Fairymaker to create vials to awaken as future Bridal Vials. There are also special circumstances such as the Peperit tree, which is decorated with unawakened vials that hang like ornaments. If one falls before you, that vial will soon awaken as your newest family. For Fairy Vials without family, there are special houses across Fairy Realms dedicated to raising Fairy Vials.
♥ Fairy Vials can awaken at any age with varying knowledge of the world around them. As immortals, they can slow their aging to their liking.
✦ V I A L & T R A I T S ✦
♥ The Vial: The vial of a Fairy Vial is considered an essential organ. Similar to how the brain and heart are essential for life, the vial is another essential part of a Fairy Vial's body.
♥ Vial Weakening/Pain: Vials are generally quite sturdy (Bumping them on a wall is fine. They won't crack or shatter.) However, the further away a vial is from the main body of the Fairy Vial, the more susceptible it becomes to shattering. Vial weapons and floating vials should always be kept close to the Fairy Vial. Since the vial is an extension of the body, any injury to the vial can be felt by the Fairy Vial.
♥ Vial Shattering: Vials that crack or partially fracture can be repaired by a Healer (see Magic section, Titles) using the original glass that fell off or by creating new glass. However, if a large extent of the vial breaks off (>10% of the total glass surface area), then the Fairy Vial may lose an important memory or ability such as their sense of smell if not repaired with the original glass that broke off. If a Fairy Vial has multiple vials and one shatters, they will survive but will lose a memory or ability. it is not fixable by a healer and can only possibly be fixed by the Fairymaker. If Fairy Vial loses any specific fillers that were only in the shattered vial, they will slowly struggle to use any magic that was related to that filler. If a Fairy Vial's only vial shatters, the Fairy Vial will turn to fairy dust. This is not reversible.
✦ P H Y S I C A L N A T U R E ✦
♥ Sleep: Beings and creatures who use aura have more stamina than those who don't. In terms of sleep, this means a Fairy Vial can go with less sleep for longer periods of time but will need to recover that loss of sleep eventually.
♥ Diet: A Fairy Vial's diet is varied and is heavily dependent on their place of living. Most realms have agriculture sectors which provide freshly grown food that is delivered to market places and cafes. There is a heavy reliance on natural food as opposed to processed foods. For example, honey is commonly used as sweetener. Tea is brewed with hand-picked herbs and a strainer. Fire stoves, large brewing pots, mortar and pestles, and the like are common equipment in kitchens.
♥ Social Behavior: Fairy Vials were created by someone who longed for understanding. Thus, most Fairy Vials at their core desire understanding, perhaps of themselves, others, or the world before them. In general, Fairy Vials are highly sociable creatures who establish close relationships with other individuals of the same species and even other species sometimes. Fairy Vials show a range of behaviors including empathy, altruism, protection, etc.
♥ Reproduction: Fairy Vials are created entirely by the Fairymaker. Fairy Vials can request familial vials be created by the Fairymaker. It is recommended to not use a part of your vial to create a new vial.
♥ Physiologic Adaptations: Most Fairy Vials are awakened with a humanoid body, elf ears, and vials. Variations exist with animal, mythical, and other appendages. Appendages give Fairy Vials skills beyond those that humans are capable of. For example, a mermaid tail can allow a Fairy Vial the ability to breathe underwater while wings allow a Fairy Vial to fly. Fairy vials have the appearance of human skin but are comprised of glass with fairy dust flowing through their vessels. Any cuts will bleed fairy dust.
♥ Sickness/Disease: Fairy vials are susceptible to disease and sickness. Negative fillers such weakness, sad emotions, etc may influence their susceptibility. Conversely, fillers such as strength and positivity can influence resistance. Physical factors like diet and sleep deprivation can also weaken a Fairy Vial and their vial's hardness, increasing its risk of shattering.
Artist Credit
Hyanna-Natsu | Shisono |