Train hard, young one
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✦ A U R A ✦
♥ Because Asteria is a planet derived from Averia, Asteria is also filled with crystals (read Asteria History). All magic is originally derived from the reflection of light on crystals. When they reflect light, crystals release "aura" which is breathed in just like oxygen. Similar to oxygen, breathing aura by all lifeforms which inhabit Asteria to survive.
♥ While all living beings breathe aura, certain brings can store aura, including special magical humans, magical creatures, and fairy vials). Magical beings have a special heart that can absorb and store the aura to mend and release it as magic. There are many different types of magic such as dream magic, toy magic, fire magic, sleep magic, psychic magic, etc!
♥ Because they must use aura, magical beings often live in areas of high crystal concentration, crystal cores. Fairy Vials are one of these magical beings. Because aura is released when crystals reflect light, magic users are stronger during the day or in moonlight/starlight.
✦ S O N G & M U S I C ✦
♥ Fairy Vials are unique in how they cast their magic. Fairy vials use "sound" to mend aura into magic, such as illusion, elemental, celestial, summoning, transformation magic, etc. Most often, Fairy Vials initiate a spell to transform aura by singing or humming. In order to maintain the spell, they must develop their heart to hold large amounts of aura energy and turn that energy into magic at an appropriate rate. ​Instruments can also replace vocal sounds to mend aura.
♥ Matching the wavelength, pattern, or rhythm of elements or creatures can strengthen the spell! For example, a Fairy Vial singing in sync with the following:
Rhythmic waves of the ocean
Musical instrument
Another Fairy Vial's singing
Their pet's heartbeat or singing
Anything that has a rhythm to it !
This is referred to as "synchronization." ​
♥ When the Fairy Vial is developing their spells, they must keep in mind their Magical Affinity. This is related to the fillers/liquid of the Fairy Vial (elemental, celestial, psyche, etc). A Fairy Vial filled with flowers or fire may exhibit elemental-based magic. A Fairy Vial filled with stardust and galaxy will have celestial-based magic. More examples in the slideshow above!
♥ What about weapons? There are magical weapons which have limited uses and stored magic. These can be used by anyone, even non-magic users! There are also weapons which can continuously store and release magic when commandeered by a magic user. These weapons can help a Fairy Vial store more aura and mend it into a specific type of magic. For example, mending fire magic into a bow and arrow to shoot light arrows! A Fairy Vial can still mend their own fire magic into an arrow without a weapon, but it requires more effort!
✦ G E N E R A L M A G I C T I P S ✦
♥ There are one-note spells for daily magic that anyone with magic potential can use. With these spells, you sing one note. They can be used to enchant an item to float, make an small item glow, etc. These are bread and butter techniques. You can still strengthen them enough to make heavier items float for example, but it is in your favor to develop advanced spells (see below)
♥Advanced spells mend aura into a type of magic that's related to your filler/liquid. These spells are unique because they can only be used by someone with certain fillers/liquids.
♥ Initiating an advanced spell requires more than just one note. It requires a set of notes, often a song! You can select a song on youtube that initiates your spell! Singing is preferred, but if you lack singing ability, then try an instrument!
♥All spells have limitations (distance, strength, time, environmental requirement, number of uses, etc) and can inflict recoil damage on the user (over-use, physical exhaustion, pain, etc). This is something to keep in mind when developing very strong spells (ie, not making an item float 8D)!
✦ P O W E R S ✦
♥ Fairy Vials have varying levels of power/strength. Below are some categories where a Fairy Vial's magic spells can be classified. These are not categories that have an equal, step-wise difference in power however. As you get stronger, it is much harder to use the next category of magic.
♥ Asterian magic is created by storing and manipulating crystal aura. Thus, your magical skills can improve by either increasing storage of aura or improving your precise manipulation of aura. Most Fairy Vials use their voice to mend aura.
♥ Aphonic magic users - this is an umbrella term for those who don't use their own voice to mend aura. Instead, they might rely entirely on passive magic, use magical weapons, or rely on their instruments or magical pet's voice to initiate higher level spells (see active magic below). Aphonic can also be used to refer to those with no magical abilities.
♥ Passive magic - magic which does not require vocal initiation. The natural rhythm of a heartbeat maintains this magic at all times. Generally low level magic which does not heavily manipulate the surroundings or distort reality. Examples include innate ability to speak to animals/trees or breathing underwater.
♥ One-Note Spells - magic that manipulates aura without "transforming" it into a specific type of magic such as wind, illusions, summoning, etc. Small scale One-Note spells are commonly used by your everyday Fairy Vials and include magic that is convenient for life. There's very little risk for inflicting damage. Examples include using aura to levitate or pull objects, communicate with one-to-one telepathy, and air-step. One-Note Spells can be trained to perform at higher levels, such as levitating oneself as opposed to a small cup.
♥ Active Magic - Active magic requires a multi-note spell (usually song) to be initiated. This magic specifically mends aura into another form that can be used by the Fairy Vial. Examples of active magic can include mending aura into skin for healing, transforming aura into a weapon, or using aura to alter oneself into a form which can enter dreams.
♥Titled Level Magic - Titled Fairy Vials (see below) practice active, passive, and one-note spell magic however their abilities encompass a longer range or physical ability. Most sky palace graduates are expected to graduate with this level of power. Examples include medium scale explosive powers, projectile based powers with multiple targets, illusory powers that expand within a room, being able to read the minds of multiple people, etc.
♥ Absolute Level Magic - This is an extreme form of magic that is wildly destructive and achieved by few. The best way to describe this magic is magic which can level a building at its lowest level and a town at its greatest (and possibly more). An example would be Mimosa parting an entire ocean or lifting all water into the air. This magic is reserved for certain individuals and can have dire consequences on the user.
♥ Dangerous magic - This magic encompasses passive or active magic that is considered very dangerous. This can include the magic that can potentially kill Fairy Vials such as removing a Fairy Vial's filler, or corrupt a Fairy Vial, curse individuals eternally. It can also include powers with unknown limits such as uncontrolled mind manipulation. Fairy Vials with Dangerous Magic are kept a close watch on by Storytellers and are reported to Stardust Mimosa. Based on their information, she may command a Sealer to seal the Fairy Vial in question . . .
♥ You can create a Fairy Vial with any magic category except for Absolute Level Magic! For Sky Palace RPs, a student will generally have very basic magic such as passive magic or small-scale One-Note spells / active magic. Please ensure that your power makes sense with your Fairy Vial's story and fillers! Ask in #lore_questions on the discord if you need help.
Per aspera ad astra
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Artist Credit
Shisono | Umino-Mari | Denaemoon | Black-Quose | Piffi-sisters | 01nu | Mint0Prince | Hyanna-Natsu | ViPOP |